Easter Egg Filling Fest – After Worship Apr. 2

Please join the Evangelism Committee after worship this Sunday to fill the plastic eggs with candy for our egg hunt, and enjoy fellowship while we work. We will meet in the library. Thanks for your help!

Easter Candy Needed

Please bring either Easter candy (no chocolate, please), or money to purchase candy, to donate to the Easter egg hunt. There is an Easter basket in the narthex to receive your donations. Thanks for your support!

Reading Business Recognition Evening – March 16

Please join St. Paul and the Reading business community for an evening of fellowship and learning, March 16 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Businesses from Reading and the surrounding area will set up booths in the Fellowship Hall and give short presentations about their products and services. We will also hear from each of these […]

Free Financial Workshop March 19: Parents, Teens, and Money Matters

Advertisers feel comfortable talking to your teen about money; you should too. Join us for a free educational workshop Parents, Teens and Money Matters is designed specifically for parents and their teens ages 11 to 14. The workshop can help you and your teen: Increase your understanding of stewardship. Make intentional choices about sharing, saving […]

Lenten Midweek Services begin tonight!

St. Paul’s midweek Lenten observances begin this evening with dinner and a show! The Italian-themed dinner, presented by the Evangelism Committee, will begin at 6:45 pm. At 7:30, the St. Paul Players will present the world premiere of Sarah Papin’s one-act play, “Passing Grandpa.” A discussion will follow. We hope you can join us this […]