"Passing Grandpa" poster

St. Paul’s midweek Lenten observances begin this evening with dinner and a show!

The Italian-themed dinner, presented by the Evangelism Committee, will begin at 6:45 pm.

At 7:30, the St. Paul Players will present the world premiere of Sarah Papin’s one-act play, “Passing Grandpa.” A discussion will follow.

We hope you can join us this evening, or for one or more of our Lenten services every Wednesday night through April 5. Each week will feature a different cuisine and service.

Date Dinner & Committee Service
March 8 Italian
Christian Ed. & Evangelism Committees
Passing Grandpa, a play by Sarah Papin
March 15 German
Stewardship Committee
March 22 American
Social Concerns Committee
March 29 Asian
Finance & Property Committees
April 5 Mexican
Worship & Music Committee
Stations of the Cross