Online Bible Study: Week of Oct. 25-Nov. 1

Bible study on the readings for November 1, All Saints Day. Scripture Readings Revelation 7:9-17; Psalm 34:1-10, 22; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 (Please click here to read them online.) Zoom Discussion with Pastor Emily & Tuesday Bible Study Group

Online Bible Study: Week of Oct. 19-25

Bible study on the readings for October 25, Reformation Sunday. Scripture Readings Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 46; Romans 3:19-28; John 8:31-36 Zoom Discussion with Pastor Emily & Tuesday Bible Study Group

Online Worship Service: Sunday, October 18, St. Luke

Welcome to worship. The text that’s usually in the bulletin appears in the video, so that you can pray along at home. Scripture Readings Isaiah 35:5-8; Psalm 124; 2 Timothy 4:5-11; Luke 1:1-4; 24:44-53 Worship Service

2020 Stewardship Appeal

“Find Love 2020 – The 4 L’s of Stewardship” is the theme for our fall Stewardship Appeal. This theme expresses what can happen when even the smallest gesture is shown to someone/something. This theme, also, reflects the outpouring of love that occurs within this congregation as we seek to spread God’s Word. Our grateful response […]

Online Bible Study: Week of Oct. 12-18

Bible study on the readings for October 18, the commemoration of St. Luke, Evangelist. Scripture Readings Isaiah 35:5-8; Psalm 124; 2 Timothy 4:5-11; Luke 1:1-4; 24:44-53 Zoom Discussion with Pastor Emily & Tuesday Bible Study Group

Online Bible Study: Week of Oct. 5-11

Bible study on the readings for October 11, the 19th Sunday after Pentecost. Scripture Readings Isaiah 25:1-9; Psalm 23; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14 (Please click here to read them online.) Zoom Discussion with Pastor Emily & Tuesday Bible Study Group