Monday, December 4: O Come, All Ye Faithful

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” –Luke 2:15

Shortly after the birth of Jesus, angels of the Lord descended upon shepherds who were watching over their flock in the night. The shepherds were initially frightened but soon overjoyed at the news of the Savior’s birth. Notes in a Life Application bible stated the Jews had been anticipating the arrival of a savior to deliver them from Roman rule, and others hoped he would deliver them from their physical ailments. Therefore, it did not take too much encouragement from the angels to get the shepherds to go to Bethlehem to see the Savior in person.

“O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem” was the message heard and followed by the shepherds. It was the best way to witness the presence of the Savior (now in flesh appearing), worship (adore) him, and carry news of his birth throughout the kingdom (sing in exultation). We sing O Come All Ye Faithful joyfully every year during the Christmas season, but I personally never reflected on the meaning of the hymn. The words of the hymn express it well.

We are not able to see Jesus in person, but this hymn reminds us that Jesus was born the King of Angels whom the faithful worship and joyously adore. Here at St. Paul, together as a community of Christian believers, we are called to gather in his name to honor his sacrifice and celebrate the gifts he has given us.

Dear God, thank you for the gift of your son to save us. Guide us to use words and actions that will help others to know you and experience the joy of your faithful servants. Amen.

Linda Miller