Wednesday, March 14: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-23

Psalm 107 is a psalm that recites God’s “wonderful deeds for men”—His unfailing love and mercy.

These first verses relate that God has gathered the people from east and west, from north and south. This refers to the return of groups of people who had been in Babylonian exile. They were delivered from exile and brought together from all points to worship God in the Temple. They were delivered and redeemed.

The next section begins with songs of gratitude. Some were delivered from the punishment of disease. Some suffered affliction because of their iniquities. In Old Testament times, sickness ordinarily was thought to be the direct consequence of sin. Frequently, though, many sick people need to have their sins forgiven more than anything else. The psalmist writes that “some became fools” because of their sins, and they cry out to the Lord.

Then there were the seafarers who cry out because of the perilous waters. They are near death and cry out to the Lord.

They all now give thanks to the Lord, praising His name and telling of his wonderful deeds.

We rely on prayer too, but sometimes we wait so long before we even make contact with God. We may ask “Why me”, even when God can calm our fears and assure us that He is always with us.

Sometimes we have to suffer humiliation before we go to God in prayer. Finally, we may think we know the way forward for ourselves and others. Then, when difficulties arise and we are unable to help ourselves and all seems lost, we hear God say, “Here I am. I love you, and I am here to help.” He cares so much for us that He sent His Son to suffer and die for our sins so we can live with Him in eternity.

God is good—so good—all the time. He is ever ready to lead and protect us. We only have to open our hears and minds to find that peace that passes all understanding.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we know that you are only a prayer away, and that you know everything that goes on in our lives. You watch and wait for us, just as parents watch and wait for their child. We love you and thank you for loving us so much that you sent your Son to be the sacrifice for our sins. Amen.

Elinor Schieman