Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.

In this letter to the Philippians, Paul tells us that we should be more concerned for other people than for ourselves. We should care for the needs of family, friends, community, and even strangers. Our focus must be serving our brothers and sisters. Support and kindness, deeds of charity, prayers and sympathy, volunteer work all should define our role in this life. Do these acts of compassion as Christ did. His life is our example.

Turning our thoughts and efforts outward, away from our problems and pain, is actually an excellent therapy for our own woes. We gain a broader perspective by engaging in philanthropic and service activities. Most importantly, we grow in our Christianity toward a more Christ-like nature. Jesus acted out of supreme love for us; we in turn as witnesses of Christ are required to do the same. This altruistic love is the heart of our faith. We are, indeed, our brothers’ keeper. We do not live in a vacuum or on an island. We share the burdens of our fellow men. That’s what raises us up and identifies us as followers of Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord, teach us to show your love in this world. Train our hands to do your work and our hearts to care for others. Make us your emissaries, even as we know you care for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Leslie Willet