Tuesday, February 27: Abide With Me

The text of Abide With Me was written in 1847 by Henry Francis Lyte and set to music, most often the tune Eventide written by William H. Monk.

I found it very interesting that the word “abide” did not appear in the index or the concordance of my Bible.

But looking up “abide” in the dictionary showed several different meanings: “To continue; last; endure. To stay; dwell; reside. To look for; wait for. To accept the consequences of; submit to.”

All of these words and phrases, I think, can easily by connected to our Lord Jesus Christ and what we know of Him from the Bible, and yet they do not appear in the index or concordance.

So then I think, “Now where do I go with this hymn?” Where else but to God, because there He is in every verse, every word. The first verse says everything I need to sustain me.

Abide with me, fast falls the eventide.
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me.”

This has been a trying year for me, and these words throughout all five verses have at one time or another spoken to me. Take time to read (or sing) each verse and see how uplifting these words are.

Losing the love of my heart and soul has been wrenching, not an easy road to travel. But for God, my church and pastor, my family and friends and the word of God to sustain me, it would be impossible. So until I take my place with the heavenly saints, Lord, abide with me.

Prayer: During this season, let us remember to embrace these days of trial for our Lord and look forward to the coming days to follow of uplifting and triumphant Alleluias. Amen.

Carol Curless