St. Paul is hosting a bingo game for residents at Tender Mercies on Sunday, November 6, 2016 at 3 pm. As always, any and all donations are appreciated. We are in need of homemade cookies, brownies and Rice Krispie Treats. If you are able to donate these items, please notify Marie and have them at the church by the end of worship on Sunday, Nov. 6th.
We can always use personal care items for our bingo prizes such as shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, razors, toothbrushes, Chapstick, etc. (No medicines can be given, including over-the-counter items.) Other popular prizes are snack foods and household goods such as laundry detergent and paper towels. Anything you use in your everyday life can be donated.
Please leave donations in the closet in the Narthex with a note indicating that they are for Tender Mercies.
Your generosity has made this program a HUGE success. Our great bingo games would not be possible without you. We are the most sought after bingo hosts at Tender Mercies. YAY!
Please contact Marie Calhoun for more info.