Matthew 25: Volunteering Begins Saturday, Feb. 22
Did you know where our donated pill bottles go? Matthew 25: Ministries! Every other month, starting February 22, from 11-1 St. Paul will send a group of volunteers to the M25M warehouse to help sort, count, and package donations. Some of us have already spent some time at Matthew 25: a few years ago, and […]
Scout Sunday & Community Breakfast – Feb. 9
We welcome all Scouts to attend community breakfast and worship with us on February 9. During the service we’ll ask God’s blessing on the Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA groups who meet at St. Paul.
FREE Community Breakfast – January 12
Reminder: Our monthly community breakfast is this Sunday, January 12, at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome- bring a friend! Thanks as always to our hard-working kitchen volunteers for preparing the feast.
FREE Community Breakfast – December 8
Reminder: Our monthly community breakfast is this Sunday, December 8, at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome- bring a friend! Thanks as always to our hard-working kitchen volunteers for preparing the feast.
St. Paul Players’ Christmas 2019 Production: “Happy Hollandaise!”
The St. Paul Players present their Christmas production, Happy Hollandaise!. Admission is $10 and includes a meal before the show. Kids under 12 admitted free! Performances: Fridays and Saturdays December 6, 7, 13, and 14 at 6:15 pm Sundays December 8 and 15 at 12:15 pm Tickets: Please call 513-426-6504, email or reserve online […]
2019 Live Nativity: Saturday, Dec. 7
St. Paul will present our annual Live Nativity scene on Saturday, December 7, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Please join us to enjoy live actors and pettable farm animals, cookies and cocoa, kids’ crafts, a bonfire, and all your favorite Christmas carols!
Reading Churches Thanksgiving Service Nov. 26
Please join us and the other churches of the Reading Church Council for an ecumenical Thanksgiving service! We will meet here at St. Paul for worship and fellowship to give thanks to God for all his blessings. The service is Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 7 pm, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Reading (see map below).
FREE Community Breakfast – November 10
Reminder: Our monthly community breakfast is this Sunday, November 10, at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome- bring a friend! Thanks as always to our hard-working kitchen volunteers for preparing the feast.
St. Paul Players’ Fall 2019 Production: Agatha Christie’s “The Unexpected Guest”
The St. Paul Players present their fall production, Agatha Christie’s The Unexpected Guest. Admission is $10 and includes a meal before the show. Kids under 12 admitted free! Performances: Fridays and Saturdays October 18, 19, 25, and 26 at 6:15 pm Sundays October 20 and 27 at 12:15 pm Tickets: Please call 513-426-6504, email […]
FREE Community Breakfast – October 13
Reminder: Our monthly community breakfast is this Sunday, October 13, at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome- bring a friend! Thanks as always to our hard-working kitchen volunteers for preparing the feast.