2020 Annual Meeting

Please plan to stay after the worship service this Sunday, January 26, for our annual congregational meeting. We’ll review the 2019 annual report and financials, and hear some updates on the capital campaign projects and other new business. Here are the documents for the meeting: AGENDA [pdf-embedder url=”http://www.stpaulreading.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2020-01-26-Annual-Meeting-Agenda.pdf” title=”2020-01-26 Annual Meeting Agenda”] PREVIOUS MEETING’S MINUTES […]

2018 Annual Report

Please see the viewer below for the 2018 Annual Report. If you would like to download the report to your computer, you’ll need PDF viewing software to open the file, such as Adobe Reader. [pdf-embedder url=”http://www.stpaulreading.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018-Annual-Report-without-finance-attachments.pdf” scrollbar=”vertical”]

Annual Congregational Meeting – Jan. 27

Please join us for the congregational meeting after the worship service on January 27. The 2018 annual report will be available. Come and discuss the past year and hear about the congregation’s plans and goals for 2019.

Council Elections Sunday, May 20

After worship on Sunday, May 20, we will elect Council members for the 2018-2020 term. Candidates are: Kathy Crosby Dennis King Linda Miller Carole Replogle Thanks to all our Council members and candidates for their willingness to serve!

2017 Annual Report

Please see the viewer below for the 2017 Annual Report. If you would like to download the report to your computer, you’ll need PDF viewing software to open the file, such as Adobe Reader. [pdfviewer width=”100%” height=”1200px” beta=”true/false”]http://www.stpaulreading.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2017-Annual-Report.pdf[/pdfviewer]

Annual Congregational Meeting – Jan. 21

Please join us for the congregational meeting after the worship service on January 21. The 2017 annual report will be available. We will also vote on the amendments to the congregation’s constitution that were discussed over the series of meetings and Adult Forums last summer and fall. If you would like another copy of the […]