Saturday, December 2: Mary, Did You Know?

Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” Luke 1:38 (NLT)

Have you ever listened to the song Mary, Did You Know?

This touching song has been played for well over three decades during the Christmas season. The lyrics are beautifully written and contain powerful phrases like “Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?” and “This child that you’ve delivered, will soon deliver you.” It’s a stirring line of questions by the songwriter that cause listeners to stand in amazement at the power of our God.

We really don’t know much about Mary except that she was a virgin and probably in her early teens. According to Luke 1:28, we know that she was “highly favored” and that “the Lord was with her.” Even without a stunning resume, God used her. Sweet, little Mary who kept to herself and wasn’t a big “play maker” was invited by the Creator of the universe to change the world.

Many think the reason He chose her is because of her willingness. Upon hearing how this would play out in her life, Mary’s response was, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38)

Mary simply said yes to her Lord with no conditions whatsoever.

Where are you in your life right now? How much of “you” have you truly surrendered? Are you living the truth that “your life is not your own” and that you’ve been “brought with a price”? Is there something that you are missing out on because you won’t let Him lead?

We have a Messiah. His name is Jesus. He is the Savior of the world. He walked on water without a single bit of effort. He came and died to make us new. He gave sight to a blind man with some dirt and saliva. He woke up from a deep sleep and calmed a raging storm with his human hand. He fed over 5,000 people with a tiny bit of bread and fish. He does the miraculous. And He has amazing plans for your life.

Terri DeAngelis