Monday, December 25: Silent Night

One of my fond memories growing up was attending the Christmas Eve Candlelight service at our church with my family. There was usually snow on the ground by that time in Nebraska. The blue lights that were strung through the hedge surrounding the church reflected in the snow. Everything was so peaceful and beautiful. We entered the church with hearts full of anticipation for the service when we would hear again the story of our Lord’s birth on that Holy Night. I feel that same great anticipation now as I always felt.

I am happy that many of my family join me at St. Paul’s on Christmas Eve each year. When the candles are lit and we hold them high, we sing Silent Night, Holy Night. It is easy to visualize Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus in the stable, welcoming the shepherds who had come to see the newborn baby. The angels surround the stable and sing Alleluias and announce that Christ the Savior is born.

As we sing this favorite Christmas hymn this year, may our hearts be filled with a renewed Spirit of thankfulness for God’s unspeakable love for us in the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Elinor Schieman