Ice Cream Social – Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Please join us on the front lawn of St. Paul’s after service on August 14 to partake in a light lunch served with lemonade followed by lawn games. All are welcome!
Lawn-Games and Lemonade on August 14, 2016
Please join us on the front lawn of St. Paul’s after service on August 14 to partake in a light lunch served with lemonade followed by lawn games. All are welcome!
Easter Vigil on Saturday, March 26th at 8:00pm
2016 Community Easter Egg Hunt March 19th at 2:00pm rain or shine
Please join us March 19th at 2:00 PM sharp for our Community Easter Egg Hunt. There will be a puppet show, followed by the Easter Egg Hunt for children through the age of 10. If it is rainy we will be inside in our fellowship hall.