We’re Back! In-Person Worship Returns Sept. 13

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The moment many of us have been waiting for is coming: the opportunity to see one another in person and to worship together again in our sanctuary. Due to the fact that the number of Covid-19 cases in Hamilton County have decreased this last month, Council determined it is the right time to seek a re-opening of in-person worship, beginning Sept. 13.

We are all anxious to meet together again, but the health and safety of each and every person is of utmost importance making it essential for every person do a risk assessment to determine when and if it is safe for them to return. As per CDC guidelines, consider age, fever, overall health, travel the two weeks prior, and contact with others who may have COVID or may have been exposed to COVID-19. Online/DVD recordings of worship will continue to be available indefinitely for those who need or want this option.

Please see below for the safety measures that will be in place:

  • Forehead temperatures will be checked at the door
  • Everyone is asked to wear a facemask unless prohibited by a health condition (children age 2 and under excluded). Please bring your mask from home, or we can provide one if needed.
  • Use of the church facility will be limited to the West side parking lot entry, sanctuary and first floor restroom. These areas will be disinfected prior to worship.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at multiple locations.
  • Cleaning supplies will be available in the restroom for those that would like to disinfect between uses on Sunday.
  • There will be no coffee and donuts.
  • Socializing will need to take place outside using social distancing. The narthex will only be used to enter or leave the sanctuary.
  • There will be no nursery or activity time. Activity bags for kids will be disposable for taking home.
  • Everything will look and feel different- The sanctuary flooring has been changed. Nonessential items will be removed including flowers, hymnals, etc for ease of disinfection.
  • There will be no paper bulletins distributed, but a large screen down front. An e-bulletin will be posted each Friday to download to your phone, or print out at home and bring with you, if you prefer to have a bulletin in hand.
  • There will be no singing for now.
  • Tithes can be deposited in a designated box rather than passing the plate. They can also be mailed or given online at stpaulreading.org/online-giving/.