Thursday, March 8: How Great Thou Art

I had the privilege of teaching for thirty years with a most wonderful woman who also was my special friend for fifty years. She was a true and loyal friend as well as a superb teacher. Betty Behringer was my mentor and an inspiring example of Christian living. One of her favorite hymns was How Great Thou Art. She taught religion and science, and knew how to reconcile them beautifully. Each day to her was an expression of faith in God and praise to His name. I see her in the first two verses of this hymn.

O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds thy hand hath made,
I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

An avid walker and bike rider, she loved nature:

When through the woods and forest glades I wander,
I hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze;
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee,
How great thou art, how great thou art!

In this Lenten season, for Christ – and in memory of Betty – I wish to take time to truly appreciate the marvels of God’s creation, to praise Him for His many gifts, especially our Redeemer, to deepen my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and to live and love as His example shows. How great Thou art, indeed, Lord!

Prayer: Dear Father, how great Thou art. You offered Your only Son to save us from our sins. Help us daily to strive to be worthy of Your grace and mirror that unconditional love to others. Amen.

Leslie Willet