Sunday, April 9, 10:30 am: Palm Sunday
A service commemorating Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem with palm branches and cheering crowds.

Thursday, Apr. 13, 7:00 pm: Maundy Thursday
A meditative service remembering Jesus’ Last Supper and celebrating his commandment to love one another.

Friday, Apr. 14, 12:00 pm: Good Friday, the Seven Last Words of Christ
The noon service on Good Friday is centered around Jesus’ seven last sayings from the Cross.

Friday, Apr. 14, 7:00 pm: Good Friday, Tenebrae
The 7 pm service on Good Friday is Tenebrae, a service of light and darkness remembering Jesus’ death and redemption of the world on the Cross.

Saturday, Apr. 15, 7:00 pm: The Great Vigil of Easter
The Easter Vigil is the high point of the church year, as we celebrate the Light of Christ resurrected. The service begins with the kindling of a new fire.

Sunday, Apr. 16, 10:30 am: Easter Sunday
On Easter Day we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with special music, bells, and flowers. Please join us before the worship service at 9 am for a breakfast served by the youth group. After the service there will be an Easter egg hunt for children up to age 10.