Friday, March 2: Romans 4:13-25

In today’s reading, we are reminded that Abraham, “the father of many nations”, did not receive God’s promises because of his adherence to the law, but rather, received these promises because of his faith alone. We, too, cannot ever earn our salvation, but rather, we are gifted it through our faith. We’ve all heard this many times, but it is indeed a welcome reminder!

The law, however, serves a very important purpose. It is a set of rules to remind us that we belong to the Lord, our God, and to teach us how to live in good relationship with each other and with Him. The first set of rules is outlined in the Ten Commandments, of course, but the Great Commandment given in Mark 12:30-31 encompasses all of these and more: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.”

Seems simple. Love God, love everyone else. Love love love. The Beatles summed it up pretty well with “All You Need is Love.” Today, let’s take the opportunity to practice making choices in perfect love. Before speaking, try to ask yourself if you words are coming from a place of hurt or a place of love. Will your actions exemplify Christ’s teachings, or your own desires?

Sarah Papin