Friday, December 15: The Christmas Song

The Christmas Song has all the ingredients for a perfect Christmas; turkey, carols, children anticipating the sight of flying reindeer and toys fresh off Santa’s’ sleigh! It’s all so wonderful, cheery and bright.

The real world is not always so cheery and bright. The first Christmas was not cheery and bright either, it was filled with much darkness and uncertainty, and little if any perfection.

Joseph was deeply disturbed by Mary’s pregnancy and, although Mary didn’t completely understand Gabriel’s words, she said “yes” at the Annunciation, a “yes” of faith. Neither Joseph or Mary had any idea of what was going to happen; what awaited them. Joseph walked with uncertainty and, at times, relied on an angel to direct his next steps. Both Joseph’s and Mary’s “yes” were leaps of faith, trust, and love.

Love. Love is why we roast the turkey, hang the mistletoe, and run all over town in the hopes of finding THE gift. Love is why we encourage little ones to listen for reindeer landing on the roof with a sleigh full of toys and to sit on Santa’s lap. Love is why we sing Christmas Carols while wrapping gifts and baking cookies.

Love is found in that very first Christmas; God’s love for his creation, his world, us. It’s why God came to earth, to be born in a manger to a young girl who said “yes.” It was because of love for us. Our Savior, Jesus, is the reason love is found in every Christmas and always will.

“…And although it’s been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you.”

Kathy Crosby